Cornerstone Montessori Elementary School Board

CMES Board Meetings

Cornerstone Montessori Elementary School returns to in-person Board and Committee meetings:

  • In person board meetings and committee meetings will be held at the school site at the designated dates/times listed.
  • An electronic meeting method will continue to be available via Zoom.
  • As per our current practice, we will continue to post board and committee meetings on the CMES website and will include information for non-board/committee members on how to join an electronic meeting.

Board Meetings

The CMES Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Most board meetings follow a standard agenda (see below), however, each meeting's specific agenda will be posted in advance of the meeting and is available at the school. The CMES Annual Meeting will be May 20, 2025, at 5:30 pm at the school.  The regular May meeting will follow at 6:00 pm.

2024-25 Meeting Schedule
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17 (tentative)
January 21
February 18
March 18
April 15
May 20 - Annual Meeting & Board Meeting
June 17 

Standard Board Meeting Agenda

  • Consent Agenda
  • Head of School Report
  • Treasurer's Report including approval of monthly financials
  • Strategic Board Discussion/Board Education
  • Governance Committee Report
  • Director of Business Operations Report
  • Advancement Committee Report
  • Task Force Updates
  • Board Chair Report

School Board Meeting Zoom Links


Cornerstone Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: August 2024 CMES Board meeting


Equity Committee Meeting Zoom Links

Cornerstone Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Equity Committee Meeting
Dates and Time: TBD

School Board Members and Committees

The Board for Cornerstone Montessori Elementary School is the governing entity for our state and federally funded public school program. All the meetings must be open to the public. We will set the dates of our meetings and assure that they are on our website and in our lobby. A book containing board meeting minutes is available in the office. Board members include a teacher, parents, and experts in a variety of fields. The Head of School is a non-voting member of the board. Board terms are 3 years.

Cornerstone Montessori Elementary School Board Members

Board Chair - Julaine Roffers-Agarwal,

Board Vice Chair - Jean Melancon,

Board Treasurer - Carolyn Ganz,

Board Secretary - Jessica Goff,

Trustee - Tyler Bouwens,

Trustee - Rohan Chougule,

Trustee - Rachel Droogsma,

Trustee - Jeremy Miller,

Trustee - Sarah Stocco,

Trustee (non-voting) - Alyssa Schwartz, Head of School,

School Board Committees

The Board's standing committees meet regularly.  The Finance Committee meets the Thursday before the Board Meeting each month at 2:00 pm, the Governance Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm, the Advancement Committee meetings TBD, the Equity Committee meetings TBD, and the Head of School Evaluation Committee meets at least quarterly. All meetings occur at the school and/or via zoom.


  • Tyler Bouwens (Chair),

Equity Committee:

  • Sarah Stocco (Chair),

Finance Committee:

  • Carolyn Ganz, (Chair), School Board Treasurer,
  • Chris Bewell, Director of Business Operations,
  • Alyssa Schwartz, Head of School,
  • Joe Aliperto, Business Manager,

Governance Committee:

  • Julaine Roffers-Agarwal (Chair), School Board Chair,
  • Jean Melancon, School Board Vice Chair,
  • Rohan Chougule,
  • Chris Bewell, Director of Business Operations,

Head of School Evaluation:

  •  Carolyn Ganz (Chair),
  •  Julaine Roffers-Agarwal, School Board Chair,
  •  Alyssa Schwartz, Head of School,